Metric Weightings for Scorecards

Scorecard totals are calculated using overall or individual activity scores.

  • Overall scores (for example, project scores) are based on the number of activities within the dataset that fail one or more of the metric tests (irrespective of weighting). You can modify this method on the User Interface tab of the Deltek Acumen Options dialog box to use weighted scores based not just on the number of activities that fail a test but the total number of metrics that fail a test.
  • Individual activity scores are based on the weighted results of all metrics being applied to the activity.

In order to calculate these activity scores, the relative weighting for each metric is required.

Weightings are based on a +/- 10-point sliding scale. The higher the weighting, the more impact the metric in question has on the scorecard score. By default, metric weightings have been set to the midpoint in the weighting scale (that is, +/- 5 depending on whether a high score is a positive or negative result).

Newly created metrics inherit a neutral score until you edit them. Weightings only apply to activity scores and not project/dataset scores.